About me


Welcome to my nail land!

My name is Stella and I am a dinosaur on the internet. I was born in 1983 (do the math, girl) and I still have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. And guess what? After decades of therapy to accept that I don’t fit, I’m loving it! The Sagittarius in me is so thankful!

Writing and working online are my current passions and nails are one thing I’ve been doing since I was 12. So, while I was celebrating my 40th birthday on this gorgeous beach, I decided it was time to focus on things that bring me pure joy.

That’s how (and where) the Love Nail Ideas blog was born. This blog is one of my heart projects and I’m super excited about it! I know I can help nail designers and nail lovers find endless inspiration, but honestly, building it from zero is helping me overcome my own fears.

Thank you for stopping by and I’d love to hear what you think about my blog, your dreams, your life… Let’s be friends!

